Monday, July 21, 2008

Tuesday's Activities

During our second day together you need to focus on collecting the information we need for the final movie/slide show.
1. Check Blog posts from class yesterday and answer the survey at the bottom.
2. Do the warm-up exercise using this link to get your Web License (if you need help reading the fun questions let us know)
3. Meet over at the smart board to design your movie story board
4.Complete the Inspiration Scavenger Hunt (collecting facts and information for the project)
5. Collaborate together in small groups to plan next collection method
6. Visit our Wiki and post your answers to the prompts.

"Have you ever . . ." Techie Experience Graph

On Monday the students answered "Have you ever . . ." prompts related to technology. An excel spreadsheet was projected onto the SmartBoard and we used a wireless keyboard and mouse to input the data. We then generated this graph to show the overall experience of the group in another format.

TechCamp Full Value Contract

On Monday, the students used the SmartBoard in the notebook application to create a Full Value Contract for the week we are together. Each student was allowed to write on the board either something we want in our circle of learning or something that should remain out of the circle.

How to post to our WIKI

1. Click on this link to access our wiki directly:
2. OR click on the Wikispaces link on the right side of this blog.
3. Click on YOUR NAME
4. Click on the TAB at the top of the page that says "edit this page"
5. Put your cursor where you want to begin typing and start typing
a. This is a JOURNAL page, always type the DATE first (or type in the date for the next day when you are done with your reflection)
6. Type your comments/thoughts.
7. Click the button that says "SAVE" on the top or bottom right side of the page
8. Like magic you have just CHANGED a website!

"Have you ever . . ." and other Introductory Activities

Good Morning!! It's Monday, our first day together. There are a few things we will do together as a class and other things you will be able to do on your own.
1. Play "Have you ever . . ." using excel to collect data and create a graph.
2. Develop our Full Value Contract as a class using the SmartBoard.
3. Get to know your student Desktop and folder options.
4. Visit the class Blog
5. Visit the class Wiki
6. Discuss the class project goal.
7. Brainstorm about our class project using Inspiration.