Thursday, July 24, 2008

Friday's Schedule - Our Last "official" Day as a class

We have to finish the DETAILS of the movie. I've tried to organize things so we do a lot of copy-n-paste into for the title slides and title overlays. While 2 people work at the main computer the rest of you need to do a few things today. When you are NOT working at the main computer then you can work through this list of activities.

1. Check the blog. Keep reading below this about how yesterday went. Do the Survey.
2. Journal on your Wiki.
3. Start a NEW Word Document. Using your ANSWER from yesterday's wiki question about what you would like to talk about at our presentation TYPE 3-5 statements/phrases (you can use bullets if you know how to) you would share about the topics you chose.
4. Type your name, home phone # and e-mail, if you have one at the top of the page.
5. SAVE the document and PRINT it
6. Post a COMMENT on two other blog entries on this blog.
7. Play STOP DISASTER, at least one time. (If you played and succeeded, choose a different level or disaster to stop.)
8. Visit at least 5 DIFFERENT links listed on the RIGHT SIDE - NO FUN BRAIN TODAY!! :) Let your BRAIN do other things, try to beat some of the other games or puzzles you can get to.
9. TYPE an actual BLOG entry for our class, which will discuss the which links/games are the ones you like.

Photos, Music, Voice Recordings - Are we done yet?

The group took additional photos today of some things outside in between the rainclouds. We still need a photo of the class, the green house and old school building.

We have more Voice Recordings than we can even use in the video. We used a MP3 player that is also a digital recorder to collect thoughts from teachers. A few students discussed that voice recordings over slides with information written on them would not "look" or "sound" right. We plan to use music over such slides and try to insert voice recordings over photos with no major information written on them.

As for Music, we found public domain, free downloads of music. It was mostly classical in nature, however one student came early to "listen" to some of it and choose a few songs to use in the movie. It was a great site, very well organized, check out the link.

Making a Movie with Windows Movie Maker

We learned the hard way that we need to make our movies in layers, each layer needing to be completed before we moved on to the next:
1. CLIPS - photos, title slides, video
3. TEXT OVERLAY - titles over any photo/video clips

Today we nearly completed step #1, except for the beginning of the movie, steps #1-3 are done (Although after watching it as a class some of your comments may require that we fix the beginning as well!). We only have tomorrow to finish the movie as a class, therefore I'll spend some time tomorrow morning making sure everything is organized to help you move through the next steps quickly.

The Rivendell Wordle - What do you think?

To the right you can see a Wordle that was created with your words from a wiki journal (with a few additions). Look closely at the Wordle which is also posted in this blog entry. Wordles are created based on frequency (number) of words. The more times the word shows up the larger it appears in the Wordle.

What do you think? Do you like the colors? Do we need more or less words? Are the sizes of the words okay? POST a comment by clicking on the "comment" link below.