Sunday, September 14, 2008

Welcome back to Part II of TECHCAMP!!

I am so glad you decide to come back and "play" on the computer again. We MUST finish our video that is our MAIN PURPOSE over the next 6 Mondays. However . . . .
I did do some more searching for cool websites for students to use to LEARN from not just PLAY on. We are still in school and so LEARNING from our PLAY would be expected - right?

Here is your schedule for today's session
1. Check the Blog - you are doing that right now! :)
2. Check the WIKI - Your page is still there BUT I've added a NEW PAGE for ALL of US to EDIT together - Technology Presentation page - go to it and ADD/CHANGE it up so we can prepare to talk about what we've done at the Visions TECHCAMP this year.
3. Go to this National Geographic Blog, read through it, search around it, make a comment if you want to
4. Work on Movie with Mrs. Poulin - small sections at time - adding text, transitions, and sound.
5. Visit any other links on our blog that you have not visited before or look in the NEW LINKS