Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Wednesday's Schedule - It's going to be busy!

Today is really our last day to collect information, data, photos, and graphics for the movie. Someone once told me that for every 1 minute of a move it takes about 7-10 minutes of work. Here is your schedule for today:

1. Read the blog (you are doing this now!) :)
2. Do the survey at the bottom of the blog
3. Meet at the smartboard to view the start of your Movie and decide upon a title/subtitle
4. Interview faculty/staff, Record Quotes from faculty/staff/students, take photos, copy/save other photos from internet, make PPT slides for movie
5. Finish your Inspiration Fact Collector outline
6. Choose your music for the movie.

Research and Planning for the Movie Project

Today, Tuesday, the students worked in pairs to research specific topic areas for the "What is Rivendell" informational movie. Most of the questions or areas were answered by visiting various websites on the Internet. The RISD website was their main source of information; most groups read parts of the website they had never visited previously. Others needed to venture out to other sources usually through links from the RISD site. The graphic organizer, created with Inspiration, shows the different topic areas they were working on today. The few that we could not find will be asked in live interviews with staff tomorrow.