Monday, September 29, 2008

3rd Fall Session - Movie Making Time

Good Afternoon! Today we must work on the movie. Check out the schedule posted on the Wiki page created just for that. The others not working on the Movie may visit any of the links on this blog. I encourage you to stay with a game or program long enough to learn something from it. Today's agenda:
1. Read the Blog (you are doing that right now)
2. Visit the Wiki to see our Movie Schedule
3. Check out any link on this Blog and "play" around long enough to learn something from the program.
4. at 4:40 today OPEN a NEW WORD DOC and do the following:
a. Type the NAME/TITLE of the link/web site you visitied today and Copy/past the LINK you visited at the top of the page
b. Describe what a person can do at this link; what might you learn or how is it fun? (2 sentences)
c. Answer this question: Did you like the site - WHY or WHY NOT (1-2 sentences)
d. Should other students visit or use this link. Who is the link best for elementary, middle and/or high school students? (1 sentence)
e. SAVE this document as "LINK WRITE UP" to your personal folder on network
5. SHUT DOWN computers at 4:55